Monday, October 20, 2008

Shader goodness: Bloom!

In the last post I talked about lighting, this time it's shaders and more specifically bloom. I must say I like the effect when it's used subtly as a mood enhancement and dislike it in it's quite common burn-your-eyes-out -form..

For the platformer game I'm planning to use the effect for a nice and quiet dreamlike feel, although I'm still not sure what kind of game it will be (except that it's a 4-way scrolling platformer!).. And as I often do, I find myself getting carried away doing all sorts of graphical effects (lighting, shaders) when I don't even have the basic game mechanics in place! Can't help it though, I must have some eye candy going on to keep myself motivated in a project. *shrugs*

So I coded a quick & dirty shader support to the engine, and today I've been trying to get the bloom working. And now it does. :) I'm still not done with it, needs some tweaking - and that's somewhat impossible right now since I have no final assets for the game yet! Everything you see in those screens is temporary and/or random. For anyone interested, here's some technical details on the subject.

I based the implementation on the GLSL bloom shaders from Funguloids, which in turn are modified from Ogre sample shaders. I'm still a beginner with the shader programming as I may have mentioned, so having anything to work from was invaluable. I tweaked the shaders to get the subtle look I was aiming for.

I'm using two small render textures (which are FBOs, no support for Pbuffers yet - and I think I'll have to do those at some point, as my laptop doesn't support FBOs), 128x128 in dimension and one bigger 512x512 RT. I render the scene normally to the bigger RT. The blurring is then done in two passes: first the scene RT gets rendered to 128x128 RT #1 using a horizontal blur shader (it also does some luminance stuff to have the bright parts more bright and dim parts more dim). Then RT #1 gets rendered to RT #2, this time with a vertical blur shader. Finally the RT #2 contents are blended additively over a normal 1:1 render of the scene. It needs quite a lot of tweaking, but I think it looks quite nice now.

In another news, my thesis is now almost complete! ^^

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let there be LIGHT!

Wouldn't you know, after I complained about lack of coding motivation in my last post, I started hacking at my Java platformer engine the very same evening! I finished the Inkscape SVG importer, now I can create the levels in Inkscape using polygons, rectangles and circles.

Last couple of days I've been implementing a lighting system to the engine (and preliminary scripting support before that). The lighting system is based on very simple ideas and was quite easy to implement. No troubles whatsoever, I was actually surprised. First I was contemplating on doing it using pixel shaders, but that would've required much more work (still learning the shader stuff) and I'm not sure if I could have pulled it off anyway. I still need to incorporate some shader support to the engine if I want to have a bloom effect later on.. Pixel shader lighting would have allowed to have normal maps for the textures though, now that would have looked very nice if done properly! Oh well.

Instead I went for texture based approach using a single FBO (Frame-Buffer-Object) where the lights get rendered to (additive blending naturally). Then with help of some stencil buffer magic, the light map is rendered over the scene using multiply blending. Stencil buffer is needed because it makes no sense to render the lights/shadows over the background (i.e. sky in my platformer). That would be very unrealistic (you can't really cast shadows on the sky, now can you?) not to mention ugly. For top-down games no stencil buffer would be needed, unless the area that gets lit must be restricted somehow.

This technique allows completely dynamic lights of any shape (like flashlight cones) using one render-to-texture (FBO in my case). The light map doesn't even need to be large, since (at least with soft lights) it's hard to see the difference between 256x256 or 512x512. I'm using 256x256 currently, but even 128x128 looks fine. The system works nicely and I've yet to optimize anything about it: for starters I'm currently rendering each light, no matter if they're actually visible or not!

Overall it suits my purposes perfectly - carefully arranged lighting can make a tremendous difference in the feeling and apprearance of the game. :)

Here's a few sample screenshots. Please ignore all the graphics etc., as the level is just random polygons and lights are literally randomly generated. And the background is lifted off Jewels. :P

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Long Time No See

So what's going on for me in these days? Well, that depends.

Not much coding, unfortunately (or is it unfortunate, don't know really.. :P). The fact is, while the Qt Jambi patch is now out and indeed fixed the problem I was having, I haven't found out the motivation to work on the editor. That doesn't mean I've abandoned the project, not at all. I have these periods when I just don't feel like doing much hobby coding, if any. But no worries, some day I find myself hacking at it like no tomorrow! ;)

Guess what has been draining my free time recently? PS3. No kidding. PS3, that black monolith, a product of pure genious (not unlike the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey!). That's mostly what's going on here! Oblivion (GOTY edition), GTA IV, Uncharted.. Oh, and the wondrous Blu-ray capabilities!

Speaking of movies (well, technically at least), I finally updated the movie list with latest additions. Unfortunately I had forgotten most of their purchase dates and prices, so I couldn't add those.. Note to self: enter new movies to the "database" in much shorter time span from the purchase than this. I'm also celebrating my first Blu-ray movie, I Am Legend. It was a nice flick and the picture looked awesome even on my 32" HD-ready TV. Looking forward to having more BRs. ^^ (damn they're expensive, though!)

In other news, I'm still working on my Bacherlor's thesis.. Hopefully I'll get it finished in few weeks tops. That is all for now.