Friday, July 4, 2008

Introducing PolyAnim!

I decided to unveil the project I've been working on lately. It's a polygonal (i.e. vector) animation library called PolyAnim, now up at Google Code. First things first: I'm not trying to compete with Flash, this thing is mainly meant as a game sprite replacement. :)

Too bad there's still not anything nice to show yet.. :P The stuff I have so far is a few hard coded animations consisting of couple of triangles and squares, it's not very sexy to look at, mmkay? But all that will change once I get the editor going and can finally make something cool with this thing. So, be patient. ^^

Just to prove I've achieved *something*, here's an ugly screenshot of the test program. I'd say it looks better when it's animating... I mean, really. Hey, it really does.. *sigh*

1 comment:

William Wren said...

looks interesting